Sunday, July 17, 2016

Sovereign Gold Bond 4th Tranche Financial Year 2016-17 (Series-I)

Available online for Account Holders of NEVE BANK.

Sovereign Gold Bond 4th Tranche
Financial Year 2016-17 (Series-I)
Salient Features:

Sl. No.
Product features for previous three tranches
Features for the New tranche (FY 2016-17)
Minimum Subscription
Two grams
One grams
Maximum Subscription
500 grams (per fiscal year)
Same as previous tranche
Denomination of Bonds
The bonds are in denomination of 2, 5, 10, 50, 100 grams of gold or other denominations.
The bonds are in denomination of 1, 2, 5, 10, 50, 100 grams of gold or other denominations.
The interest on the Gold Bonds shall commence from the date of its issue and shall have a fixed rate of interest i.e. at 2.75 percent per annum on the amount of initial investment. 
Same as previous tranche
form of issue of Gold Bonds
The Bonds will be available in certificate of holding
The Bonds will be available both in De-mat and certificate of holding
Redemption Price of the Bond
Issuance and redemption price of Bond was fixed in Indian Rupees on the basis of the price of gold of 999 purity of previous week published by the India Bullion and Jewellers Association Limited.
Same as before
Period of subscription
Three tranche has been released in FY 2015-16 (i.e. November, January and March 2016)
Subscription date for the 4th Tranche has been fixed from    18-22nd July, 2016 and the Bonds shall be issued on the 5th  August, 2016
Premature redemption facility
Premature redemption of Gold Bond may be permitted after fifth year from the date of issue of such Bond on the date on which interest is payable; 
Same as before
Receiving Offices
Scheduled commercial banks, Stock Holding Corporation of India Ltd (SHCIL), designated post offices.
BSE and NSE are included as receiving offices, apart from the commercial banks, SHCIL, designated post offices .
Commission for distribution
Paid at the rate of rupee one per hundred of the total subscription received by the receiving offices.
The existing commission at one percent has been retained for 4th tranche.
Tax Benefits
The interest on the Gold Bond shall be taxable as per the provisions of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) and the capital gains tax shall also remain the same as in the case of physical gold.
Capital gain tax arising on redemption of SGB to an individual has been exempted.

The indexation benefit will be provided to LTCG arising to any person on transfer of bonds.
The Gold Bonds shall be eligible for trading from such date as may be notified by the Reserve Bank of India.
The Gold Bonds issued on November 30, 2015 held in dematerialized form are eligible for trading on the Stock exchanges recognized by the Government of India w.e.f. 13.06.2016. The date of commencement of trading in respect of Bonds issued in subsequent tranches will be notified later.

  • The minimum subscription limit has propose to reduce from 2 gram to 1 gram with the view to enlarge the subscriber base;
  • To make the scheme lucrative the capital gain tax arising on redemption of SGB to an individual has been exempted;
  • The indexation benefit will be provided to LTCG arising to any person on transfer of bonds;
  • Applications can be routed through the De-mat;
  • Trading of Gold Bonds has been operationalized and for further smoothening of this facility NSE and BSEs is inducted in the list of receiving offices.

क्यों " जीवन बीमा" ???

एक बार जरूर पढ़े......
आप कहते है...
मुझे बीमे की जरुरत नहीं.
1. बीमे की जरुरत आपको नहीं आपके परिवार को है।

2. बीमा तभी लिया जाता है, जब उसकी जरुरत नहीं हो.
जरुरत होने पर
बीमा नहीं मिलता,
इसके लिए स्वास्थ्य होना जरुरी है।

3. यदि आपके पास
सोने का अंडा देनेवाली मुर्गी हो तो आप किसका बीमा करवायेंगे।
मुर्गी का या अंडे का..??
आप अपनी कार का बीमा करवाते है ..
क्या इससे आपका परिवार सुरक्षित रहता है?

4. कार में चार पहिये होते है फिर भी पांचवा रखना जरुरी क्यों है ??
रास्ते में सुरक्षा के लिये या फालतू खर्च?

5. बच्चा असफल हो जाये तो दुबारा मौका मिल सकता है,
पर पिताजी असफल हो जाये तो बच्चों का भविष्य ख़राब हो सकता है।

6. मेरे पास आपके परिवार की सुरक्षा की बहुत ही सुन्दर योजनाये है।

7. बीमे की प्रिमियम देखने से ज्यादा जरुरी आपात स्थिति में मिलने वाली राशि को देखना चाहिये।

8. क्या आपको मालुम है कि आपका जीवन
आपके परिवार के लिये
कितना अमूल्य व आवश्यक है? आप ही बच्चों की शिक्षा तथा विवाह का प्रबंध करेंगे।

9. क्या आपने अपनी सभी पॉलिसियों में नामांकन करवा रखा है?

10. जब आप एक महीने के लिए घर से बाहर जाते है तो क्या क्या व्यवस्था करके जाते है?

11. जब भीड़ में
आपका बच्चा आपसे बिछड़ जाता है
तो उसे कितनी परेशानी तथा दर्द होता है ?

12. आपके बाहर जाने पर कितने दिनों तक रिश्तेदार आपके परिवार की मदद कर सकते है?

13. यदि आप अपने शौक या विलासिता पर खर्च करते है बदले में कुछ नहीं मिलता
परंतु यहाँ
आपके परिवार की सुरक्षा की जाती है फिर भी
आप कह रहे है
आपको बीमे की आवश्यकता नहीं।

14. एकबार अपना बेटा या बीबी बनकर विचार कीजिये।

15. बीमा अपने फायदे के लिए नहीं अपने परिवार की सुरक्षा के लिए ख़रीदा जाता है जिस प्रकार छाता बारिश रोकने के लिए नहीं।
छाता तो बारिश में भीगने से बचने के लिए ख़रीदा जाता है।

16. निर्णय आपका है....
क्योंकि परिवार भी आपका है.
मेरा काम आपको बीमे के बारे में बताना है.
करवाना या ना करवाना आपकी अपनी सोच हे......................
मुझे मना करने से पहले एक बार जरूर सोचिए।

आपका अपना,
प्रसन्न कुमार नेवे।

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

How To Choose Individual Health Insurance Plans?

Sometimes it becomes too overwhelming to make a choice when it comes to buying an insurance deal, especially when one is not comfortable with the technical jargon being used. This is why a lot of people keep postponing their decision everytime, to buy insurance or make wrong decisions by relying completely on the insurance agents.
Even 25-year-old Arvind faced the same problem of too many options when he was asked to buy a health insurance policy. He knew that it was crucial to buy a health plan, but didn’t know what kind of a plan to buy, based on what parameters and from where. But then, one of his friends advised him a seamless way of selecting the best option out of many, and now Arvind is a happy owner of health insurance policy that works best for him.
Let’s see the suggestions he received:
1) Requirements
The first advice to him was to identify what are his health requirements. Since he is young and healthy, he doesn’t require a very complicated health insurance plan. Also, he selected high deductibles so that he can pay a minimum of medical costs from his own pocket before benefits from health plan kick in. This made his premiums lower.
2) Network Hospitals
To avail cashless facility on his mediclaim, he needs to be admitted to a network hospital associated with his insurer. It is, therefore, important to know that the hospitals closest to your place of residence are part of the network hospitals.
3) Discount on Premium
There are certain plans that offer enhanced sum assured for the same premium for every claim-free year or they keep sum assured as constant, but offer discounts on premiums. You need to study about these plans in detail. Also, find out about plans that offer to keep your premium stable for a particular number of years even if you have filed claims. This can give you certainty about impending expenses at the time of renewal.
4) Coverage of Diseases
Arvind has a family history of diabetes. Even though he is healthy, he is prone to diabetes, so he was advised to select a plan that covers such diseases. Besides this, it is important to select a health policy that covers a maximum number of diseases to cover maximum risks.
5) Claim Process
This is one of the most important factors one has to consider. The insurer should offer the same or even better services after selling you the policy. One should not be running behind the insurer to get claims processed and for that it is important to speak with the insurance company executives, study their claim settlement ratio and check out their customer service department to understand their professionalism.
6) Limits
Read through the fine print to understand the limits applicable to your policy. This includes limits on room rentals, particular surgeries, medical procedures and tests and the likes. Select the plan that offers least limits, maximum coverage, and lowest premiums.
7) Compare Health Policies
This goes without saying as it has become a cake walk in this day of advanced technology. No more dependence on your neighborhood agent. Just log on to the internet, find out information about various health plans available in the market, compare their features and benefits, go through their terms and conditions and only after that choose a policy that serves you the best! Arvind is glad he spent some time online to find out information. This way he knew beforehand what kind of plan he is investing in and is in total control of his situation.
As you can see, it’s incredibly easy to make your decision. All that you have to do is be aware of your needs and requirements and accordingly do your research about the health plans. Buying is even easier with online payments so that you don’t stay uninsured even for a single day. Get online health plan and get insured!

Visit our website or mail us